Do you want to develop your product and business, be inspired and informed about new developments in textiles? 4-OPTIONS helps you to understand the possibilities of textile in every aspect of your product and production process. We create custom made textile concepts, practical sourcing manuals, educate your team, connect you with suppliers.

4-OPTIONS works with innovation teams and product developers of different industries like health, fashion, travel and design facing textile challenges.

The up to date library as well as our self-developed textile innovation model are the important tools to be able to find solutions where we can answer your textile question or request. We understand the international textile market like no other, we travel all over the world to find the right textile solution for you. Our mission is to provide your insights to make the right textile choices.


With a background in the fashion business I learned what trend and creativity can add to a product, then I discovered on the technical side of product development what material and functionality entail. In concrete terms, this has triggered my passion for technical textiles in which the raw material and functionality determine the design process.

I am a targeted ambitious entrepreneurial textile expert who connects technology with creativity, I use my experiences and expertise to generate innovation for your product and business. My passionate attitude towards my work makes no challenge too crazy, the more complex and unusual the application, the better.

By teaching at universities abroad, I have become fascinated by the innovative power of young designers, the connection with these designers of the future means that I have a clear view of future textile solutions.

I am a regular speaker at seminars sharing my knowledge concerning the technical textile market.


4-OPTIONS believes in teamwork and co-creation, working with a flexible network of professional creatives with international experience on projects.

We work with you as a partner to supply your technical textiles needs, as an extension of your own business, able to plan, manufacture and deliver in line with your needs, saving you time and money. Your success is in our benefit.

Get in touch, we are happy to answer your questions.